so i attend empire beauty school in brooklyn right.. and we're working on a project for the nail competition. my friend and i had been planning our project for about a month now.. the house of glamour and gore.. frankenstein, bride of, dracula, witch, ware wolf, mummies etc all painted on nails. a haunted house, fence, graveyard, pumpkin patch etc all made out of mostly nails. anyway heres the coffin steve cut for me to put the soil in.. the display will go on top of the soil.. i'll post pictures of the finished product next week. so far what i've produced is mind blowing and i'm really proud of it.
zee coffin... (aout 2.5 feet by 2 feet)
some of the monsters i painted on 1" nails..
i even made a dress for bride of frankenstein... shes amazing. her hair is an entire nail. basically every single detail OJ and i came up with a month ago.. is literally becoming a reality before our eyes. our teacher is so fucking proud of us because, in all honesty.. this is some legit shit. i mean we seriously made jack-o-lanterns out of nails..
all the other competitors made really half assed almost.. child like displays.
this shit is my absolute passion. i literally enjoy every second learning and perfecting my skills.
it's a good feeling finally finding your passion in life. i absolutely love nail art. it's ridiculous.